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Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit


Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit
Greenhouse Educational and Research Unit of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Islamic Azad University was established in 2004. Possessing the following facilities, this unit has the potential to support research projects and holding educational courses in the field of greenhouse products as a dynamic and active research center.
1.      An area of 13500 m2 greenhouse including: 7 educational and productive greenhouses and 2 research ones, compatible with environmental conditions of the country
2.      Greenhouse research, education and production under the supervision of reputable province university instructors
3.      Application of research, educational and laboratorial facilities
4.      Production and proliferation of flowers such as orchid, rose and carnivorous plants using various methods
5.      Production of strawberry, and vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, pepper and eggplant without the implementation of any kind of pesticides
6.      Training the production methods of foregoing products to the agricultural students, trainees and engineers as short educational courses
7.      Conducting master theses in different fields and direct connection with industrial organizations under the supervision of reputable university instructors
8.      Proliferation of Malinelus (The accepted fruit in development and incubator center) void of viruses as tissue cultivation
Future Goals
1.      Equipping the greenhouses to the latest software and facilities in line with mechanization
2.      Production of various flowers by tissue cultivation
3.      Establishment of biotechnological and tissue cultivation laboratories
This unit as the largest and most equipped greenhouse is prepared to sign educational and research contracts with executive and research organizations through the country and province.           

تاریخ به روز رسانی:
تعداد بازدید:
Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
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