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Islamic Azad University Isfahan Khorasgan branch
Lexical Connections across the language in Multilinguals :The study of Armenian Persian Bilinguals ...
A Study of the Language Proficiency Tests used for Screening M.A Candidates for EFL program in Iran...
English language education in deprived areas : the case of Jiroft Kerman
Learner Variables and the development of collocations in iranian EFL learners
The Interactive Nature of Motivational orientations, Listening strategies and listening Comprehension
Acoustic Analysis of Persian and English pure Vowels Produced By Iranian learners of english
Measuring lexical Richness in Iranian EFL university students...
Analyzing Needs in selecting Vocabulary for Special English Courses for Dentistry Students
The Impact of English language learning on Persian Speakers' Performance in Conceptualizaing Motion Verbs
The Impact of Formulaic language Use Speaking Fluency Communication Enhancement
Teaching Vocabulary through code-mixing to Iranian EFL learners
Perception of English and Persian Vowels by Iranian EFL learners
The study of verbal and Nonverbal Techniques of Testing Receptive skills in Iranian EFL learners
(Temporality in Second Language : A Study of the aquisitonary of tense and aspect in english (L1=Persian
Avoidance Strategy by persian EFL Learners : The Case of Pharasal Verbs
A Cross-Linguistic Analysis of refusal Strategies : THe Case of Iranian EFL Learners and Native English Speakers
Demotivating Factors Affecting Reading Comprehenshion among Iranian EFL Students
A Comparative analysis of Cross-Cultural Differences and Pragmatic Transfer in English and Persian speech Act of Refusal
Anaphoric Resolution in Reading Expository Texts: EFL learner's Ability to make a coherent Mental Representation of the text content EL.Teaching
Problems and Strategies in the Translation of Literary Texts
The Functional Role of Metadiscourse Markers in Persuasive Journalism : A Contrastive Analysis of Texts Written by American and Iranian EFL Authors
The Effect of CA based vs EA based Eror Correction on Iranian EFL Intermediate Learner's writing
The Potential Relationship between English Vicabulary Knowledge and Morphological Knowledge of Iranian - University Student
Intercultural effect in Comprehension of speed acts of Indirect Request
Gender differences in using hedge/intensifier and sentence length
Writing Proficiency Development the Case of Iranian EFL Learners: Negotiated Feedback Vs Non-negotiated Feedback
The Diffential effects of different approches to the Teaching of ELT vocabulary : The Case of Marginal Gloss, Parenthetical Gloss and Dictionaruse
The role of Concept mapping on Achievement , self regulation, self - efficancy and self - esteem in students of english as a foreign language
A Comparative analysis of english webpages use across Iranian EFl Students
Implicit versus Explicit Grammar corrective Feedback for Iranian EFL Learners with different proficiency levels
A Comparative Investigation of different cultural knowledge of Metaphors and EFL learners' Metaphorical Competance
The impact of inter national clue on IranianTeenagers and young adults persian Inferencing and listening comprehension ability
The role of topic familiarity and passage sight vocabulary in reading comprehension,l2 lexical inferecing and recall of iranian EFL learners
An investigation of the effects of open Book Exams on Students long- Term Recall
A Socio-Pragmatic Study on Gender Differencesin Greeting Forms used by Persian Speakers in city of Kerman Based on Brown & Levinson
Lare'volution et L'appel ante'rieur des origines dans De'sert de Jean-Naire Gustave Le Cle'zio
The Impact of Collaborative Writing on the writing Fluency, Grammatical Complexity and Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners
(Le dispositif e'nonciatif de "La Modification " de Michel Butor(stylistique des modalites, des de'ictiques et des...
La place de la responsibilite' et le sacrifice d'Antoine de saint -exupery dans les Euvres "vol de Nuit et Terre"
L'etude stylistique du dispisitif e'nonciatif del'oeuvre d.'Alain Robbe-Grillet
The Influence of Power Difference and Social DIstance as Indexes of Task Diffuculty on Accuracy , Fluency and Complexity of Request and Refusal speech Acts Utilized by Iranian EFL Learners
The Effect id Second Language writing ability on First Language writing Ability
Sociopragmatic analysis of methodiscourse markers in english and persian scientific texts
La place de I'homme dans le petit Prince d'Antion de Saint-Exupery
La Poe'tique de Baudelire et de Hafez
L'e'tude de la Condition Humaine Pendant la deunie'me Guerre Mondiale a' Travers (( La Gurre de Trie n'aura Pas lieu )) Les mouches et Rhinocers
Le Parcours de la Solitude Et de la Condition Humaine:(( attendant Godot)) de Samuel Backett et (( Le roise meurt )) d'Eugene lonesco
Etude de personnages et des themes essentiels
Victor Hugo et sa position politique dans la Revolution francaise et la Revolution constitutionnlle de 1830
La Nition de L'Honneur dans Mateo Falcone de Merimee et Lecid de Corneille
Les principes Pedagogiques selon Rabelaiset Montaigne Rabelais et Montaigne
Social factors in variable use of kin terms in ilam community : a sociolinguistics perspective
A Critical discourse analysis of the western english newspapers regarding egypts revolution
Analyse des impressions et sensations dans I'Autobiographie ( Enfance ) de Nathalie Sarraute
Le Formalisme des convergences,des divergences et de la circularite des evenements dans Desert de J. M. G le clezio
L'impact de l'argent dans la societe du XIX eme siecle a travers les deuxromans de Honore de Balzac : Eugenie grandet et le pere goriot
The Relationship between emotional intelligence and verbal intelligence with EFL learners' second language speaking skill
A Corpus - based comparison of comparison : native english vs. persian learners' interlanguage
Temporal dimensions of the subjunctive mood in persian : a syntactic investigation
Investigating phonological prossese in silakhori dialect within optimality theory framework
A La Recherche de l'identite dans ( rue des boutiques obscures ) de modiano
Le Cinqyieme element dans " vendredi ou les limbes du pacifique " de Michel Tournier
Compositional frames of persian metonymic constructions
An Evaluation of american english file series
Etude sur l'engement et l'humanisme chez Ahmad Shamlou et Paul Eluard
Learning metaphorical expressions by multilinguals : The case of body - part metaphors in english , german , and persian
The Effect of social class on self - confidence in relation to EFL speaking english
The Impact of Text Messaging on Idiom Learning of Iranian EFL Learners
The Relationship between Learning Experiences, Selves, and Motivated Learning Behavior in Iranian EFL Learners
Etude stylistique et comparative avancee a travers deux pieces d'Eugene Ionesco La Cantatrice chauve et Le Roi se meurt
Life and Death in Persian Poetry: A Conceptual Study of Metaphors in the Persian Language
A Study of communication among persian speaking blind people : alternatives to eye contact
(Meaning in the Qur'an: A Linguistic Analysis of the Surah Livestock (Al-An'am
The Relationship Between (Meta)cognitive Strategies and Reading Comprehension in Iranian Female L2 Learners
Implementation of the Keyword Method to Improve Foreign Language Vocabulary Recall among Iranian Learners of English
Persian Ezafe: A Formal Approach
A Formative evaluation of reading comprehention classes in high schools : deficiencies and suggestions
A Corpus - Based Analysis of Deixis in Persian: Science vs. Art
Attitudes towards Gender: A Study of texts Produced Online by Iranian Youth
Conceptual Structures of Semantic Categories in Persian
Teaching English Through Animation: The Case of Aspect
Implicatures in Persian Advertisements: A Neo - Gricean Approach
uvre de Tahar Benjelloun " L'Enfant de sable" et "La Nuit sacree"چ L'image de la femme dans deux
Etudes stylistique de Caligula et du Malentendu d'Albert Camus Comparaison des proces enonciatifs
(Le monde Arabe A travers les oeuvres d'Albert Camus (l'Etranger, la Peste
Language Differences among Male and Female Esfahani Persian Speakers: A Case of Taboos and Euphemism
The Relationship between EFL Teacher's Behavioral Success, Age, Gender, and their Emotional Intelligence
La notion de la revolte a travers " Les Justes" d Albert Camus et " Durant la route" d Ebrahim Golestan
Impact of NPs Weight, Information Order, and Question Types on Iranian EFL Learners' Production of Dative Constructions
Exploring the Gender Effect on Iranian EFL Learners Beliefs About the role of Rote Learning in Vocabulary Learning Strategies
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the Choice of Language Learning Strategies among Iranian EFL Learners
The Effects of Focus-on-Form(s) on Intermediate L2 Learners' Metaphorical Competence Development
la pensee d'Alissa et le renoncement de ses desirs a travers "La Porte etroite" d'Andre Gide
Etude des caracteres moraux et comportementaux des heros de Les Dieux ont soif d'Anatole France
The Relationship between Language Proficiency and Iranian EFL Learners' Knowledge of Vocabulary Depth versus Vocabulary Breadth
Cultural Variations across Academic Genres: A Generic Analysis of Intertextuality and Authorial Presence in Masters Theses Introductions
The Effect of Context on Inferencing the Meaning of Idioms in English by Iranian EFL Learners
regulation, Motivation, and Creativity and Iranian University EFL Students Writing Skill-The Relationship between Self
Structure Awareness on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners -The Effects of Text
The Effect of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instruction on the Iranian Upper Intermediate EFL Learners' Use, Perception of Usefulness of the Strategies and Vocabulary Development
The Effect of CAPI on Teaching English Vowels and Consonants to Iranian Junior High School Students
An Evaluation of Top Notch Series
Double Object Construction in Persian Literary Texts: A Diachronic Investigation
The Role of Explicit Contrastive Analysis and Translation on Incidental Learning and Recall of Single Words and Collocation by Iranian EFL Learners
Cross - Linguistic Transfer Development and Syntactic Complication: A Reexamination of Interdependence Hypothesis
The Utility of Synthetic - based Model of Writing Among Iranian EFL Learners
A Comparative Study of Metaphorical Competence of English among Native and Nonnative Learners: The Case of Iranian and American Senior Students of English
EAP Skills Training Needs of Iranian University Teachers
Morpho-Phonological Analysis of Persian Simple Verbs within the Optimality Theoretic Framework
La Comparaison du caractere chevalersque de rostam chez shahnaeh et celui de Roland dans la chanson de Roland
La misere de l'homme sans Dieu a travers "Therese Desqueyroux" de Francois Mauriac
Satan a travers "La fin de Satan" de Victor Hugo et les six livres de "Mathnawi-i Manawi" de Mevlana
Le Mal" et "Le Bien" dans le roman "Le Noeud de Vipere" de Francois Mauriac et "La Peste" d'Albert Camus"
Interaction Between Instructional Scaffolding and Socioeconomic Status in Activating the Maxim of Relevance in Iranian Preschoolers' English Oral Performance
Gambits in Spoken Discourse: A Comparative Analysis of English and Persian Native Speakers Across Gender
A Descriptive Study of Teacher/Learner Interaction at the Graduate Level: the Case of MA Courses at the School of Foreign Languages at Islamic Azad University-Khorasgan Branch
Optimality - Theoretic Analysis of Mazandarani Syllable Structure
The Role of Using Language Learning Strategies on the Development of the Speaking Skill
monitoring in Professional Development of Esfahanian EFL Teachers - The Role of Self
The Role of Content Schema and Cultural Differences in Reading Comprehension of Iranian and American Readers
The Utility of Providing Corrective Feedback in Improving the Writing Quality of Iranian EFL Learners
L'etude de style dans une oeuvre d'Amelie Nothomb : " Stupeur et tremblements "
Use of Popular Culture (Song, Movie) For Enriching Male and Female High School EFL Learners at Dehdasht
The Relationship between EFL High School Teacher's Multiple Intelligence and Their Attitude Toward Teaching
(ESP Target Situation Needs Analysis: The Language Requirements of Aviation Professionals in Iran (Pilots, Navigators, Air Traffic Controllers and Radio Operators
The Influence of Inferential Questions versus Textually Explicit Questions on EFL Learners Reading Comprehension Test Performance at Different Proficiency Levels
A Critical - Cognitive Analysis of Unity Metaphors in Persian Editorials
L'enfant et l'espace africain a travers l'Onitsha de Jean - Marie Gustave Le Clezio
A Minimalist Analysis of Persian Noun Phrases
Interaction between Negation and Prosody in Persian Language: A Study of Negation in Persian Language
English Translation of the Simple Past and Past Progressive Tenses-Persian-A Comparative Study: Time as a Measure of Difficulty in Mental Processing of Directional English
Selection, Presentation, Practice, and Evaluation of Lexical Items in ELT Text Books: the Case of Top Notch Series
Effect of Culture on Observing Grices Maxim of Quantity in Academic Writing
La singularite stylistique de Raymond Queneau au travers du roman " Les Fleurs Bleues "
The Role of Using Blogs to Develop English Writing Skills: Attitudes and Perceptions of Iranian Students
A Study of the Linguisitic Realization of the Concept 'Love' in Persian Poetry
An Investigation of the Effect of Teacher-Induced Anxiety on Iranian Male/Female EFL Learners' Performance in English
The Relationship between the Types of Locus of Control and the Academic Achievement of Iranian English Language EFL Online Learners
The Strategies Employed by Iranian Tour Guides in Intercultural Communication: Implications for ESP and Tourism
Cross Cultural Contrastive Analysis of Emotive Verbs in English and Persian Narrative Texts
Relationship between EFL Learners' Multiple Intelligence Scores, Gender and Their Vocabulary Knowledge
Les Contraintes de La Separation Dans "Le Petit Prince "
Les Aspects Tragiques et Melancoliques chez Moliqre a travers Tartuffe, Dom Juan et Le Misanthrope
(L'enfant dans la litterature francaise du XXe siecle a travers Les Enfants terribles (de Jean Cocteau) et Le Sagouin (de Francois Mauriac
Retour sur le passe dans "L'Horizon" et "Dans le cafe de la jeunesse perdue" de Patrick Modiano
L'anticolonisation dans Allah n'est pas oblige d'Ahmadou Kourouma
Etude stylistique et enonciatif dans "Enfance" de Nathalie Sarraute
Francois Villon : Modernite et Romantisme
L'?Etude de l'homme au miroir du soi a travers "Le Journal " de Julien Green
Sequences of Facts and Sentences in Persian Oral Narratives: A Study of Sensitivity to Perceptual and Epistemic Focusing Among Children and Adults
Analysis of Rhetorical Figures in Iranian Television Advertisements
The Superiority of Using Multimodal Texts Over Traditional Print-Based Texts for Teaching Reading Comprehension to Iranian High School Third Graders
A Cross-cultural Investigation on the use of Apology Strategies by Native Persian Speakers, Native English Speakers and Iranian Intermediate/ Advanced EFL Learners
A Comparative Study of Metaphors in English in Economics and Literary Texts Supervisor
The Relationship between Risk-Taking and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners with Different Language Proficiency Levels
L'Etude comparative des traces de la guerre dans " la petite fille de monsieur Linh " de Philippe Claudel et " La ou la neige ne se fonde pas " de Kamran Mohammadi
(L'Etude stylistique et syntaxique dans " La vie devant soi " de Romain Gary (Emile Ajar
La Notion de la Verite Dans le Roman de La Route des Flandres de Claude Simon
Influence of Social Distance and Gender on the Email Writing of Student / Teacher and Student / Student Interactions of Iranian High School Students in Isfahan
The Effects of English Songs on Young Learners' Listening Comprehension and Pronunciation
A Comparison between the Translation Method and the Pictorial Method in Learning and Retention of Vocabulary by Iranian EFL Learners
The Relationship between Learning Strategies Active /Passive Vocabulary Knowledge and Its Implication for Teaching Words to Iranian EFL Learners
A Sociopragmatic Contrastive Analysis of Online Interactions and its Implications for Fostering EFL Learners' Pragmatic Awareness
The Effects of Empowerment on Iranian EFL Learners' Grammar knowledge
The Use of ICT among EFL Students at Khorasgan University
Islamic Azad University Entrance Examination of Master Program in TEFL: an Analysis of its Reliability and Validity of General English
Task Planning -based Approach to Teaching Argumentative Essays to Iranian Male and Female EFL Learners with an Intermediate Proficiency Level: The Case of Pre-Title A Task
The Relationship between Iranian Male vs. Female EFL Learners' Beliefs and Their Use of Learning Strategies
Cultural Influences and Transfer Issues Across L1 and L2 Argumentative Writing: EFL Performance in Writing
The Effect of Task-based Instruction on the Improvement of Iranian High School Learners Vocabulary for Reading Comprehension
La ferveur de la vie a travers Les Nourritures Terrestres et Les Faux-Monnayeurs d'Andre Gide et Les Rubaiyates d'Hakim Omar Khayyam
L 'image et representation de la femme a travers Candide, L'Ingenu et Zadig de Voltaire
L'heroisme feminin au cours de la Premiere Guerre mondiale
Requestive Strategies in English Business E-mails: A Case of Iranian Agricultural Company
The Relationship between Learners' Personality Traits and Reading Comprehension Strategies
Sentential Word order in Iranian Persian-speaking Children under the Age of School
Women in Persian Novels: A Comparative Study of Modern Literature before and After the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Interrogative Questions as a Source of Power Representation in Persian Plays: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
Impact of Focus Sensitive Particles on the Interpretation of Persian Information Structures
Child Language Acquisition: A Case Study of Persian Consonants
The Effect of Self-Assessment Activities along with Usual Curricula on the Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Iranian EFL Learners
A Soci-pragmatic Study of Compliment Response Strategies in Social Networks among Iranian EFL Learners
Etude du " Rouge et le Noir " en tant qu'un tableau de moeurs dans les annees 1830
Perceptual Learning Styles Preferences among Iranian Gifted Elementary EFL Learners
The Effect of Text Length on Iranian EFL Learner's Learning and Retention of New Vocabulary Items Presented Through Pictures and L1- Equivalents
Iranian EFL Teachers' and Learners' Perception o Learner Autonomy: Autonomous Activities in Focus
Impact of Recast and Uptake on Iranian EFL Learners Input Enhanced Paragraph Writing
Hedges, Boosters and Lexical Invisibility: A Comparative Study of Discussion Section of Research Articles Written by Native and Non-native Writers in Applied Linguistics
The Effect of Multimedia-Based Materials on L2 Proficiency Development of Iranian High School EFL Learners
The Impact of Pre-modified Input and Interaction on Iranian EFL Learners' Sentence Processing and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
A Cross Linguistic Study of Refusal Speech Act: A Rapport Management Approach
The Relationship between impulsivity / reflectivity cognitive style and EFL learners writing performance , strategy use and syntactic complexity
Computer-assisted Strategy Instruction and Its Impact on Scanning and Skimming Reading Skills of Iranian EFL Learners
A Study of Sociolinguistic Factor Blocking the Transferability of Aleshtari Lakish among Children
Blended E-Learning and its Potential in Improving the Collocational Competence of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners
The Role of Media on Iranian EFL Learners' Perception of Culture
Efficiency of Code Switching for Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
The Difference Between Honest and Dishonest Teaching of Metaphorical Expressions to Upper-Intermediate L2 Learners
The Effect of Integration of Phonological Awareness and Corrective Feedback on Learners' Pronunciation
The Effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading on Comprehension of Iranian High School EFL Learners
The Impact of Task Performance and Explicit Instruction on Iranian EFL learners' Interlanguage Pragmatics: in the Case of Request Expressions
A Study on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Errors in English Collocations
Enhancing Idiom Competence of Iranian EFL Learners: Idiom Etymology and Short Story in Focus
Iranian EFL Teachers' Awareness, Beliefs and Practices in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary Strategies
The Role of Focused-Unfocused Written Corrective Feedback in Enhancing Knowledge of `S` Marker in Iranian High School Students
Scrambling Complexity and Semantic Anomalous Detection in Sentence Processing and Language Learning: A case of Iranian EFL Learners
The Role of Rote Learning Versus Semantic Mapping in Vocabulary Acquisition by Iranian EFL Learners
(La correspondance des personnages feminins dans "Soundjata" ou "l'epopee Mandingue" de D.T. Niane et " Shah Nameh " de Firdousi (etude comparative
A Discourse Analysis of Print Advertisements and its Implications for Iranian EFL Learners: Coffee and Chocolate Ads in Focus
The Impact of Explicit/ Implicit Instruction of Lexical Collocations on Improving Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL learners
A Cross Cultural Study of Violation of Gricean Maxims in the Social Networks between Iranian EFLs and Native American Students
A Contrastive Sociopragmatic Analysis of Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in Persian Texts of Soft Sciences by Native vs. Non-native Writers
The Effect of Phonological Short-Term Memory on L2 Vocabulary Development in L1 Persian Learners with Down Syndrome
Comparative Textual Analysis of Passivized Structures in Scientific and General English Genres
La recherche pragmatique et stylistique de l'apport des idees dans "Les Nourritures Terrestres" d'Andre Gide
A Textual Analysis of Gender - based Thematic Variations in Persian TV Panel Discussions
Tertiary Level non-English Major Students' Motivation and Attitudes towards English Language Learning: Focusing on Computer Engineering and Persian Literature
Language Institute Teachers' Cognition in Teaching Grammar
An Ethnographic Study on Silence in Iranian University EFL Classrooms
An Investigation of English Language Teachers' and University Professors' Perception of Culture Teaching in Esfahan, Iran
The Impact of Traditional, Blended Learning, and Task Planning on the Learning of Resumptive Pronouns by Iranian EFL Learners
Developing Iranian EFL Learners' Process Writing Through Dynamic Assessment
The Effect of Consciousness-Raising Tasks on the Acquisition of English Phrasal Verbs
The Role of Storytelling Aloud on the Accuracy of Pre -Intermediate Iranian EFL Students' Spoken Language in the Classroom
A Contrastive Analysis of Linguistic Structures and Stylistic Devices of Sport Headlines in Iranian and English Newspapers
Les themes principaux a travers les oeuvres d'Arthur Rimbaud et Sohrab Sepehri
Iranian High School EFL Teachers` Perception of Professional Obstacles in Terms of Gender, Academic Qualification, Years of Experience, and Age
The Effects of Reflective Teaching on EFL Teachers' Performance in Iranian Contexts
Pedagogical Efficiency of Process-Oriented Syllabus in Meaning-Focused Output in two Different age Groups of Iranian Intermediate-Level EFL Learners
Intonational Prosodic Structure And Information Structure In Persian News Summaries
A Pragmalinguistic Analysis of the Surah Event (al-Waqiah) on the Notions of Hell and Heaven
La liberte a travers les mains sales de J.P Sartre
Effect of Teaching Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies on the Reading Achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate Male L2 Learners
The Impact of Recast and Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback on the Learning of Lexical Collocations by Iranian EFL Learners
Teachers and Learners' Politeness Strategies in Iranian EFL Classroom and Persian Classroom
The Effect of Dicto-Comp and Dictation on the Writing Skill of Female Adult Iranian EFL Learners
A Cross -Cultural Study of Gender Differences in Using Speech Act of Congratulation in Social Networks by Iranian EFLs Learners vs. English natives
A comparative study of C-test vs. Cloze Test as measures of Collocational Competence: The case of Iranian EFL learners
Conversational Implicatures in Persian Movies: Neo-Grician Approach
Penetration Rate of CAT Tools among Translation Studies Graduate Students of Five Main Iranian Universities
The Study of Semantic and Grammatical Shifts in Trqanslation of English Persian
The Role of Intercultural Communication in Fidelity of Literary Translation
Strategies used in Translating Harry Potter Proper Names
Translation of four chapters of Images of Organization
A Description of translation normal in three subtitled movies
Assessment of Marked and Unmarked thematization Patterns in the two Persian translations of the Sound and the Fury
Assessment of Translation Strategies used in the Translation of Extralinguistic Culture- bound refrences in the two persian renderings of " Robinson Crusoe"
On the relationship among self-efficacy, creativity and translation ability of translation students : The case of Non-Cave words
The Impact of Ideology in Translation :A Critical Discourse Analysis of Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark and its two Persian Translations on the Basis of ...
The Analysis of class shifts in the persian translation of the sound and the fury
Assessment of culturally baised tempo - spatial deictic recourses in the persian translation of fitzgerald's the geat gastby
An Investigation of illocutionary strategies applied in three persian rendering of Shakespear's Hamlet
Translation of Slang in Two Persian Renderings of J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye
Translation of News Texts in Persian Political Magazines: Vav Dijks Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis
Assessing the Quality of Persian Translation of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four Based on House's Model: Overt-Covert Translation Distinction
A Study of Noun Phrase Collocations in Islamic Literature Translated from Persian into English
the Role of Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in Translating Culture - Specific Items: The Evaluation of the Translated Work: Pride and Prejudice
A Contrastive Pragmalinguistic Analysis of Theme Zone and Its Necessity in Two Different Persian Translated Versions of "Secret"
The Investigation of Audio-visual Translation of Humor in Cartoon Dubbing: A Case Study of Persian Dubbed Ice Age 2
Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in two Persian Translations of Hajji Baba Esfahani: A Case of Culture - Specific Items
A Comparative Study of Two Persian Translations of Colloquial Expressions as a Feature of Salinger's Style in The Catcher in the Rye
Persian In/Definite Determiners: A Minimalist Analysis
Assessment of Translation Education at Islamic Azad University: A Case of MA Workshop Course in Translation Studies
The Analysis of Explicitation Strategies Employed in Persian Subtitling of English Movies
The Impact of Ideology on Translation of Political Texts: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective
The Role of Text Genre in the Quality of Translation
A Study of Persian Translations of Cultural Terms in the Headlines of Euronews Website
A Comparative Study of Meta-discourse Markers in English Tourist Guidebooks Written by Native Authors as Opposed to Iranian Translators
The Efficacy of Teaching Translation Through Self-Directed Method to Iranian Persian-Speaking Students on Improving Translation from English to Persian
Marked and Unmarked Thematization Patterns: A Contrastive Study of Persuasive Texts Written by American Columnists and Their Persian Translations
Inadequacies of English Tourist Catalogues of Iranian Historical Places Translated From Persian: Identifying Cultural Gaps
Teaching Translation of Children's Literature in Undergraduate English Translation Program in Iranian Universities through Delphi Method
A Comparative Study of Verbo-Pictorial Advertisement Metaphors in English and Persian
An Investigation Into the Effect of Personality Type on the Quality of Literary Translation
The Translation Quality Assessment of Persian Translation of The Sound and the Fury in Terms of Strategies Employed for Performative Verbs
Adequacy of Strategies Employed for Translating Deictic Expressions: A Case of Persian Translations of The Sound and the Fury
Using a Sociopragmatic Model for Evaluating Refusal Speech Act in the Two Translated Versions of "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller
A Study on Needs Analysis of English Translation B.A Students in Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan
Genre-Based Evaluation of Persian Translated Version of Carranza's Clinical Periodontology: The Case of Recipients' Attitude
Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Translated Versions of the Novel "Coming Up for Air" by George Orwell:Fairclough Ideological Framework
The Role of Stative Verbs in Translatability
The Role of Interpretive Errors in Aviation Disasters: The Case of Pilots and ATCs at Esfahan Shahid Beheshti International Airport
Comparative Analysis of Text Readability in Children's Literature in Two Persian Translations of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
Analayzing the Appropriacy of Metaphorical Expressions in the Persian Translation of The Alchemist: A Relevance Theory Perspective
The Relationship Between ESP Instructors' Field of Study and ESP Students' Translation Performance
An Assessment of the Quality of Persian Translated Version of "White Fang" by Jack London Based on the Thematic Progression Analysis
Assessing Ideology of Translation in Two Persian Translated Versions of " A Street Car Named Desire":The Case of Domestication and Foreignizatin
A Corpus-Based Textual Analysis of First Personal Deictic Elements Used in Persian and English Hard and Soft Sciences and its Pedagogical Implications
Applied Strategies in Translating Idiomatic Expressions in Movie Subtitles
A Study of Persian Translation of Cultural Items in the Headlines of Press TV Website
Task-Based activities and learning relative clauses by persian EFL learners
Order of acquisition in terms of formal features: A minimalist approach to the study of (L1 persian) English interlanguage
Wh-Questions in (L1=persian) English interlanguage : A minimalist approach to the cross sectional study of the order of acquistion
Argument structure in Englidh(L1=Persian) interlanguage
Teachers' perception of students' likes about language learning
Word association: Evidence for mental lexicon restructuring
Hemispheric dominance & second language word processing: evidence detection relation
The effects of premodifid input, interactionally modified input,and modified output on the incidental acquisition of word meanings
A Study of the EFl teachers and students Attitudes towards the teaching profession
The effect of negative evidence on learning prepositional phrases
The Comparison of Speed in listening and Reading Comprehension Among Iranian EFL Learners
Fiqurative language Appreciation : The case of irong for EFl learners in Iran
Applicability of Subset -Superset Directionality hypothesis to the periphery of language
The Effect of using sign language on second language learning by high schols hearing -impaired students
The role of thematic structure in Iranian EFl students'reading comprehension
The Role of verb-argument structure in iranian tefl student guessing of the meaning of idiomatic expressions
Word Meaning Guessability in reading
Teaching learning strategies: Explicit vs. Implicit training
Vocabulary Acquistion: Meaningful vs. Rote learning
Polysemy & its pedagogical implications
The effect of teacher's Encouragements on EFL learners English performance
Extraction from presentational and presuppositional Constructions in Iranian L2 Learner's English interlanguage
Estimating the vocabulary size of iranian EFL university students
Genre Analysis of Introduction Section of language teaching Research Articles " Native Versus Non - native writers"
Investigating Esperienced ESL teachers pedagogical knowledge
The Role of Conceptualization of Persian nouns in the Choice of mass/Count English nouns
The influence of formal features on intonation in persian speaker's English interlanguage wh-questions
The Effect of prelistening activities as advance organizers on L2 learners listening Comprehension
The Effect of Narrow Reading on Lexical Enhancement in EFL students
Paragraph Intonation Patterns in IRIB News Summeries A study of Interlanguage oral reading
Language,Ideology and Power in Media: Native and Non-native English
Verbal IQ L2,Proficiency and the use of Communication strategies: A study of English as a Foreign language
The comparison of voice onset time in plosive stops in bilinguals of persian and english
The effects of first language on second language writing a contrastive rhetoric...
An Investigation of Cohesive Errors in different Modes of writing by Iranian EFL students
Mechanics of writing and EFL students :a study of intentional versus incidental learning
The Impact of Text Medium on Message Developing : the Case of E-mail
An investigation of the role of the mother tongue in explaning difficult grammatical points and its
The Role of Comic Reading Materials in Enhancing the Ability to Read in EFL
The Impact of Schema Activation through Mother Tongue use on the Development of Collocations in Iranian EFL learners
Impact of native / nonnative accents on Iranian EFL student s listening comprehension
Investigating the reliability of differently tailored cloze tests
Paragraph Intonation patterns in Reading short stories: A study of English (L1=Persian) Interlanguage
The utility of Extensive reading practices in reading Comprehension of Students learning English as a foreign language
Accessibility of Principle A (of the Binding Theory ) in Armenian Learners of English as a Foreign language Teachin
The impact of knowing the origin of English idioms on their acquisition by EFL Nemone High school students
Metalinguistic Awareness and EFL Learner's Performance ...
Cooperative Learning Methods and Reading Comprehension : the Case of Iranian EFL Learners
Iranian EFL learners' knowledge of Resultative participles
A Contrastive Study of Post-Nominal Modification : The Case of Texts Written by Native and Non-Native Academic Writers
The Utility of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in learning English Vocabulary by ...
The role of pre-reading Activities on Generating Appropriate semantic priming ...
The Effect of Metacognitive Instruction on the Durability of Vocabulary Learning
Critical Analysis of Moves in Argumentation : A Cross - Linguistics study of English and Persian
The Relationship between language Aptitude ...
The relation between EFL learner's grammatical Knowledge and there Processing speed in ...
Feild Dependence- Independence as a Source of Systematic variation in EFl Learner's Writing performance
Auditory Perception of English Vowel length Contrasts Iranian EFL learners TESOl
An Assessment of the in-service EFL teacher education programs in isfahan
Gender and identification of metaphor A study of feminist texts ...
The relationship between self-efficacy motivation language proficiency and age of Iranina EFL students
Pedagogical utility of input Enhancement Tasks in EFL Learners rate of Vocabulary learning and recall
Incidental Vocabulary Learning : Marginal Glosses Vs. Dictionary use
Interlanguage pliteness
An Analysis of the university English professors spoken vocabulary profile in EFL classes
The effect of listening practice on the speaking skill development of iranin EFL learners
The relationship between inductive reasoning aptitude and reading comprehension of iranian EFL students
Subjectivity in English Dialogues: A Comparative study of Authenticity in Iranian and American English Textbook
Pedagogical vtility of using literature in Teaching reading Comprehension to EFL learners
The effect of music on second language vocabulary aquisition .the case of Junior high school learners
The Impact of Exposure to Literature on Vocabulary Retention
The Utility of Principled Polysemy Model for Teaching Engish Spatial Prepositions to ...
Glottal Stop Insertion in English (L1=Persian) Interlanguage
The effect of Different types of Indirect feedback on EFL learners grammatical Errors in writing
A study of Beliefs and Strategy use in an EFL setting
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Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
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