Thursday, September 19, 2024
Call for paper

Instruction for author

Submitted paper should have one long abstract and one short abstract

Long abstract:

-          Paper should be submitted in 4 pages (A4) and divided to following parts: title, authors' names and affiliations, introduction (research and theory background) methodology, results, conclusions, key words and references.

-          Every paper should have only one figure and one table or one diagram. The name of paper presenter must be underlined.

-          Distances between lines in original texts and paper margins must be 1.5cm and 3cm respectively.

-          The acceptable program for the paper format is Microsoft office word 2010.

-          Paper font for English abstract is New Times Roman and the font size for title is 12, for authors' name and affiliation is 11, for authors' addresses is 10( Italic)and for original text is 10.

-          The abstract should not exceed 3500 words.

Short abstract:

-          Acceptable program for the paper format is Microsoft office word 2010.

-          The short version abstract should include title, authors' affiliations and names, aim, mythology, result, conclusion and key word.


The author guidelines for paper submission


-          The authors of paper have to confirm that they have not published or submitted their paper in other conference, journal, symposium, etc.

-          The papers, whose topic are out of scopes and the papers sent by mail and fax, will be disregarded.

-          Authors are responsible for the scientific content and editing

-          Selected paper will be published in research-scientific journal of Sport Science Research Center of Islamic Azad University -Khorasgan Brand.

-          Authors should not submit more than 2 papers. If accepted, both may be selected as posters or only one can be chose for the oral presentation and the other will be for poster.

-          For registration and paper submission, we invite you to check our website: http://

-          For more information, please check the above website, or contact us with following telephone numbers:


Internal number: 2194

تاریخ به روز رسانی:
تعداد بازدید:
Sport Tourism Association
Islamic Azad University Khorasgan Branch
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